Evidence-Based Dentistry

Welcome to our course on Evidence-Based Dentistry. This course is very important for dental professionals as it equips them with the necessary skills to integrate evidence-based principles into clinical practice for improved patient care and professional growth.
Evidence-Based Dentistry involves the careful evaluation and application of the best available research to treat and care for patients effectively. By staying updated with the latest dental research, professionals can make informed decisions that enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development.
The course focuses on developing the ability to critically evaluate and apply current evidence in clinical scenarios.
We look into defining and describing the fundamental principles of evidence-based practice in dentistry, appraising the quality and relevance of research literature and clinical guidelines, and integrating dental research into clinical practice.
If you're not yet a member of Dentaljuce, we highly recommend you to join and gain access to this comprehensive course.
This course, along with over 100 other CPD courses, is available for a single membership payment.
This course is specifically designed to meet these General Dental Council requirements:
PfP 1.1.1 "Explain, evaluate and apply the principles of an evidence based approach to learning, clinical and professional practice and decision making"
PfP 1.1.2 "Critically appraise approaches to dental research and integrate with patient care"
DFT Curriculum: "Can demonstrate to an appropriate standard: The use of research data and evidence-based knowledge in his/her approach to clinical practice"
Equip dental professionals with the skills to integrate evidence-based principles for improved patient care and professional growth.
Course Objective:
- Develop the ability to critically evaluate and apply current evidence in clinical scenarios.
Anticipated learning outcomes:
- know how to define and describe fundamental principles of evidence-based practice in dentistry.
- be able to critically appraise the quality and relevance of research literature and clinical guidelines.
- know how to apply evidence-based strategies to clinical decision-making, ensuring patient care is informed by the best available evidence.
- be able to integrate dental research into clinical practice and develop evidence-based guidelines.
- be able to evaluate and refine clinical outcomes using evidence-based standards for continuous improvement.
GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner in meeting the following GDC Development Outcome(s): C, D.