Managing the clinical and working environment
Section 12: GDC Preparing for Practice

Welcome to our 'Managing the Clinical and Working Environment' course, carefully developed to align with Section 12 of the GDC's 'Preparing for Practice' document.
The course emphasises the importance of effectively managing the clinical and working environment in dental practice. It covers critical aspects such as safety, legal, and ethical standards, equipment management, handling of complaints, and understanding the broader health economy impacting dental practices.
Participants will learn about the intricacies of navigating legal, financial, and ethical issues in dental practice management, with a focus on clinical governance and health and safety requirements.
This course also looks into the practical aspects of managing a dental practice, including the maintenance and testing of equipment, storage and handling of materials, and effective complaint handling procedures.
GDC Publication: Preparing for practice: Dental team learning outcomes for registration.
It is a GDC requirement that, to be on the UK Dental Register, the following Management outcomes are met:
Section 12: Managing the Clinical and Working Environment
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of dentistry and patient care.
- 12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to support safe patient care
- 12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate storage, handling and use of materials
- 12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for handling of complaints as described in Standards for the Dental Team, Principle 5: Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
- 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated with managing a dental practice
- 12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical governance and health and safety requirements
- 12.6 Describe the implications of the wider health economy and external influences
This course is designed to precisely meet these outcomes and will be invaluable to those seeking to join or rejoin the UK Dental Register, as well as those looking to enhance their management skills when interacting with patients, their representatives, and the public in dental practice.
If you're not yet a member of Dentaljuce, we highly recommend you to join and gain access to this comprehensive course.
This course, along with over 100 other CPD courses, is available for a single membership payment.
To meet the requirements of Section 12 of the GDC document 'Preparing for Practice'.
Course Objective:
- Equip dental professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage the clinical and working environment, ensuring adherence to safety, legal, and ethical standards within dental practice management, as outlined in Section 12 of the GDC's 'Preparing for Practice'.
Anticipated learning outcomes:
- 12.1: Recognise and comply with systems and processes to support safe patient care.
- 12.2: Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate storage, handling, and use of materials.
- 12.3: Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for handling of complaints as described in Standards for the Dental Team Principle 5.
- 12.4: Describe the legal, financial, and ethical issues associated with managing a dental practice.
- 12.5: Recognise and comply with national and local clinical governance and health and safety requirements.
- 12.6: Describe the implications of the wider health economy and external influences.
GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner in meeting the following GDC Development Outcome: D.