Professionalism: Development of Self and Others (1)
Section 9: GDC Preparing for Practice
Welcome to Part 1 of our 'Development of Self and Others' course, designed to precisely align with Section 9 of the GDC's 'Preparing for Practice' document.
This course highlights the importance of recognising and embracing your professional responsibility in the development of yourself and others within your dental team. Key topics include effective feedback mechanisms, learning and teaching strategies, and the essential role of reflection and appraisal in personal and professional growth.
You will gain insights into how to implement and benefit from a range of learning and teaching methods, the importance of critical reflection, and how to identify and address learning needs for yourself and your team. The course also covers how to use feedback constructively to drive personal development and enhance team dynamics.
GDC Publication: Preparing for practice: Dental team learning outcomes for registration.
It is a GDC requirement that, to be on the UK Dental Register, the following Professionalism outcomes are met:
Section 9: Development of self and others
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of dentistry and patient care.
- 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility in the development of self and the rest of the team
- 9.2 Use the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the professional development of self and others
- 9.3 Explain the range of methods of learning and teaching available and the importance of assessment, feedback, critical reflection, identification of learning needs and appraisal in personal development planning
This course is designed to precisely meet these outcomes and will be invaluable to those seeking to join or rejoin the UK Dental Register, as well as those looking to enhance their Professionalism skills.
If you're not yet a member of Dentaljuce, we highly recommend you to join and gain access to this comprehensive course.
This course, along with over 100 other CPD courses, is available for a single membership payment.
The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this Dentaljuce module is to allow learners to demonstrate they have undertaken training in Professional Development in Dentistry.
Course objective
- To meet the requirements of the GDC publication "Preparing for practice": sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3.
Anticipated learning outcomes:
The learner will, with respect to the components that he or she has elected to study as listed below:- be able to recognise and demonstrate their own professional responsibility in the development of self and the rest of the team.
- be able to utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the professional development of self and others.
- be able to explain the range of learning and teaching methods and the importance of assessment, feedback, critical reflection, identification of learning needs and appraisal in personal development planning.
- through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.
GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner in meeting the following GDC Development Outcome(s): A, B, D.