Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Soft tissue cysts MCQs


Are you looking to improve your oral pathology knowledge of soft tissue cysts? This course has over 50 MCQs on soft tissue cysts, with instant marking and explanation of the answers.

Perfect for practice and revision if you have an exam coming up.

1. Dentaljuce MCQs are a useful tool because they

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The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this Dentaljuce module is to allow learners to test and improve their knowledge of soft tissue cysts.

Course objective

  • To improve my knowledge of the various types of soft tissue cysts.

Anticipated learning outcomes:

The learner will:
  • know the features of soft tissue cysts.
  • understand the histopathology of soft tissue cysts.
  • know the treatment for different cyst types.
  • through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner in meeting the following GDC Development Outcome(s): C.

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