Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

GDC charges related to radiographic records and audit

When a dental professional is being investigated by the UK General Dental Council, perhaps after a complaint has been made, they will routinely search the practitioner's other records - ones that have no relation to the complaint - to determine whether there is a pattern of misconduct. They may also ask for evidence of how clinical governance is practised.

The GDC view this as in keeping with their role as a regulator.

For acceptable clinical governance, the important points when you take radiographs are:

  1. Record consent to radiography
  2. Record the justification for radiograph(s)
  3. Record a clinical evaluation for each radiograph.
  4. Grade every radiograph as A or N (acceptable / not acceptable)
  5. Monitor the grades to ensure they meet CGDent standards
  6. Do a radiograph audit at least every six months
  7. Audit more frequently if your grade monitoring shows a decline in the A/N ratio.

Below are examples of the charges the GDC's Investigating Committee have brought against registrants regarding radiographic records and audit while investigating unrelated complaints.

When such charges are brought, the Professional Misconduct Committee then considers the charges: The PMC is the body that can impose practicing restrictions and conditions, or suspend / erase the dental professional from the register.

"By reason of the facts alleged, your fitness to practice is impaired by reason of your misconduct."
You failed to: audit the radiographs for quality assurance purposes
The audit provided ... only demonstrated one cycle of review, which the Committee did not consider to be sufficient given the level of failings found proved.
You have not provided the Committee with any evidence of audits into your radiography practice
a. There was an inadequate report on the radiographs taken on [dates] and b. You failed to write reports on the periapical radiographs taken on [dates]
you did not accurately and/or adequately report on a periapical radiograph of the UL quadrant
There is also, importantly, no evidence at all of any learning that you may have acquired being embedded in to your practice, for instance by way of suitable cycles of audit
You did not make a written report of these radiographs or make a record of the area of translucency at LR5;
You made no or no adequate record of justification;
you: a. did not record the justification for taking the radiographs; b. did not grade the radiographs.

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