Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Antibiotic prescribing
Antimicrobial stewardship

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What problems might less AB prescribing cause?

AMS is a set of coordinated strategies to improve the use of antimicrobial medications with the goal to

  • enhance patient health outcomes,
  • reduce antibiotic resistance,
  • decrease unnecessary costs.

Decreasing the overuse of antimicrobials is expected to serve the following goals:

  • improve patient outcomes, especially patient safety
  • decrease adverse drug reactions such as hypersensitivity reactions or kidney or heart damage (e.g., QT prolongation).
  • decrease antibiotic-associated disease, such as Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhoea, other antibiotic-associated diarrhoeas, and invasive candidiasis
  • guard the patient's microbiome, including the gut flora, respiratory tract flora, urogenital tract flora, and skin flora (this is closely related to the preceding goal of preventing antibiotic-associated disease)
  • decrease wasted costs
  • slow the increase in antimicrobial resistance

Decreased use will also reduce environmental degradation, such as the adverse effects of altering plant and animal microbiotas by polluting the water cycle with antimicrobials in wastewater. Three quarters of an antibiotic dose in a human or animal is not absorbed, and comes straight out again, usually ending up in the water table.

Another huge concern is antibiotics coming out of cost-conscious pharma factories straight into the environment, due to poor or completely absent filtration of their waste liquids.

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